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Edition 6

October 5, 1920

Page 78

Chambers Prairie, Washington

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met at the station.

The meeting was called to order by the President, minutes of previous meeting were read and corrections made. Motion was carried to allow Bill of $3.18 of Committee for Osborn recall expense.

Expense bill of 45 cent for Postals used for calling meeting for proposed Club Building, was also allowed.  After some discussion regarding the action of clerk of the School Trustees in setting aside the Osborn recall petition, on the advice of the County Attorney, the motion was adopted to proceed with the recall petition and Secretary was instructed to register same to Mrs. Preston explaining matters and asking advice.

On motion is was decided to give a card party on Oct. 9th at the station.

Mrs. Gilleth, Mrs Ae, Mrs Berg and Mrs Slaven were appointed to serve

Page 79 - Report of Committee on the new Club Building was but partially satisfactory and it was decided to drop the building till a wider interest was shown.  There being no other business to come before the meeting the same adjourned.


October 9, 1920

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Chambers Prairie

A special meeting was called after the card party at the station.  The object of this meeting was business that called for immediate attention and could not be postponed till regular meeting.  Mrs. Gilleth reported she had special prices on four prizes at $1.00 each which she considered very reasonable and asked permission to purchase same, the treasure giving a check for $4.00.

On motion this amount was allowed.  Secretary reported taking papers of Osborn recall to Mrs. Preston instead of mailing them as she feared delay in case Mrs. Preston was absent.

Her report was Mrs. Preston was absent and her deputy advised her to take it up with the Prosecuting Attorney where she had all necessary changes made. 

It was also necessary for former committee to againgo before a notary republic and Mrs. Russell , Mrs. Gilleth and Mr. Berg were instructed to do so and expenses allowed, Mr. Berg $.75,-Mrs. Russell $1.31,, Mrs. Gilleth $1.31

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$7.10 were taken in at card Party expense money for car fare, dinner and prizes for card party amounting to $4.90 were allowed.  Mrs.Gilleth, this also included a bill of $1.59 to Jones Bros for coffee, cream , sugar and pickles used at card party.

$1.21 was allowed for Mrs. Mccarthy for Olympia trip the recall. 

Motion was made to allow Mr. Berg $3.00 for the half day required to go to Olympia to sign recall. Mr. Roby(Robey) and Mr. Allen each donated 50 Cents to the Community Club. Motion was then made to adjourn.