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Edition 2


-- Jan. 7, 1919 

The club voted to give car fare to and from Oympia to be allowed for the Gillettes. They met with approval and motioned to have a play.  A motion made and carried that the play be on Feb. 22, 1919. It was motioned and carried that it be given "Ye Old District School" be given. They voted to buy 5 gallons of gasoline and 1 dozen mantles for the lights. 

The second Chapter of Mary Carey was read.



-- Jan. 21, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Club met at the schoolhouse and they discussed the play and assigned parts.  They charged 25 cents for all playing cards, with $1.70 allowed for prizes. They decided to have entertainment before the 22nd and decided on a card party on Feb.1. They had prizes and refreshments. Two of the men were appointed to see what was needed to put the flag pole in order.   


-- February 4, 1919 

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met at the school house in regular session. The entertainment Committee reported $7.40 taken in at the card party.  The motion was made that the money allowed for prizes be taken from the fund. A motion was made also to have a card party on February 22 instead of the play.

Several motions were made in regard to the officers, duties of the club.  One motion was to form a committee to confer with the County Commissioners in regard to extending the gravel road.  

The 4th Chapter of Mary Carey was read. 


-- February 18, 1919 

The Chambers Prairie Community Club members meet in regular session at the school house. The secretary had to call the meeting to order as the President was sick.  

A report was given which nothing was done regarding road work or seeing the Commissioners.

They were going to buy prizes.

The flagpole would have to be taken down in order for fixing. They decided to meet at the flagpole at 11 p.m. on February 23rd to fix the same.

An Amendment to the ByLaws was read.

The 5th and 6th Chapter of Mary Carey was read.


-- March 4, 1919 

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in a regular session meeting and was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. 

Mr. Gillette reported having seen Mr. Benson  of the County Commissioners, who said that on account of washouts no new work would be attended to on the roads for some time to come. 

A special meeting was planned to talk over the road situation. It was decided to hold the same the first week of April. 

The flag pole was reported fixed and ready for the flag.

Two bills were allowed, one for 38 cents for gasoline and one for 30 cents for tally cards. 

A motion was made and carried that they have a card party on March 15th.

A motion was made and carried that Miss Horton make the coffee at the card party.  A motion carried that they buy lumber to make tables for the card party. Mr. Gillette was to secure the lumber and Mr. Davis to make tables.

A motion was carried that they allow $1.80 for prizes instead of $1.75.

A treasury report was given as follows since organization taken in dues : $19.70

                                                                                             paid out              9.22

                                                                                    Balance on hand       10.48

In the piano fund taken in  $104.71

Paid on the piano                     80.00

Paid on Misc items                   17.07

Balance on hand                             7.64

A motion carried that the report be accepted as read.

Mrs Peck read the 7th and 8th chapters of Mary Cary.   

The meeting adjourned afterwards.



-- March 18, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in regular session at the School house. The meeting was called to order by the secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and no corrections were found. 

The amendment to change the meeting night from Tuesday to Saturday was read and voted on: Voted for the change.

The amendment to change the Vice President's main duties should be to audit books once a year was also read. Voted for the same.

A communication in regard to farm loans was read. 

A motion was made and carried that they have another card party.

A motion was carried that they have a card party on the first Saturday in April. A motion carried that they have an oyster supper in connection with a card party and charge 50 cents a piece.

A motion was carried to allow enough out of the General Fund to bring the piano fund up, the same to be applied on piano.

A motion was carried to allow Secretary scratch pads. 

A motion was carried to allow the money for prizes and mantles.



-- April 5, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in regular session. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.  The matter of the roads were discussed and a motion made and carried to call a good roads meeting. Mr. Peck was appointed to publish the same.  A bill of $2.10 was allowed for oysters and crackers.

A motion was made that the Community Club pay freight back and forth to the Library now held at the store. Vote taken but lost. The meeting was adjourned and a good time was had by all by playing cards.



-- April 23, 1919

A special meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the roads. A member responded that the Commissioners would not start any new road work in this or any District and also reported that Mr. Fleetwood said the commissioners told him as soon as the roads were dry enough they would bring out the grader and grade the roads.  Some gravel had been spoken for.  A motion to write Mr. Bennett, Commissioner for this district, in regard to roads and when he could meet with the club, and say something definite in regard to the same. The motion carried.

A committee to draft the letter was appointed.


* some member names and certain pieces of information have been redacted from the original minutes!  


-- May 3, 1919

The Chambers Prairie community Club met in regular session at the school house. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. 

A bill of $1.10  was allowed and also a bill of 20 cents for tally cards.

A communication was read from Mr. Bennett County Commission.There was no other business, meeting adjourned.


-- May 17, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in regular session at the Schoolhouse.  The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

Mr. Peck reported having talked with Mr. Bennett, County Commission, when he was out in regards to roads, who said that $600.00 was to be expended on the roads and in his opinion that amount ought to be graveled from the end of the gravel to the railroad. Also, if teams and men could be secured from this locality they would like to know it. Mr. Gillette suggested that a loading rig be fixed up so one team could load for 5 or 6 trains, as he thought that much would be the quickest and cheapest way.  

A nomination for officers was there in order. Mrs. Peck was nominated for President. A motion was made and carried that the nomination be closed. Mrs Peck was unanimously elected. A nomination for Secretary, Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. E . Smith were the nominees. Mrs. Smith received the highest number of votes and was elected Secretary. Nominations for Treasurer were Mr. Green, Mr. Swensson, Mr. Smith and Ake. Mr. Smith received the highest number of votes and was elected Treasurer. Mr. Gillette and Swensson were appointed managers and were to audit books before being turned over to new officers. 

The meeting then adjourned to play cards.


-- June 7, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in regular session. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

The same discussion was had in regard to a picnic for the fourth of July.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith were appointed head of the social committee.

Mrs. Gillette was appointed to take charge of the refreshments.

Mr. Gillette was appointed to look after the building of the stand.

A report of the last card party was $1.04 taken in. 

The meeting then adjourned.


 -- August 2, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in regular session; the meeting was called to order by the President.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

It was brought up about the Post Office and it will be left in Smith's Store as far as they know.

A card party was announced for Saturday evening Aug 9th.

Being there was no other business, the meeting then adjourned.


-- August 16, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club meets in regular session. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A motion was made and second that $2.24 be taken out of the General Fund to finish up the piano.

A motion was made and second that the President is to get a whisk Broom and chain and shoe brush to be left in the Depot.

A motion was made and second to have a card party Saturday evening and that the card party should be free. There being no other business meeting. Then adjourned.



*other history information.

If you want to see what the DEPOT looked like in 1973 there is a Pictorial feature by Del Ogden in The Olympian dated Sunday February 4, 1973. 

If you want to see what the building looked like in or around 1928, search Thurston County History in Photos and Chambers Prairie Depot photo should be available.




-- September 9, 1919                                            

The Chambers Prairie community Club meet in regular session, meeting was called to order by the President.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.  A motion was made and carried that the community club is to have the traveling library and it is to be left at Smith's Store, and they are to look after the books. A motion was made and carried for a card party Saturday night and there be enough allowed out of the general fund for coffee, milk and sugar. There being no other business, meeting then adjourned. 



-- September 20, 1919                                            

The Chambers Prairie Community Club meet in regular session. Meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes were read and approved as read. A suggestion was made that we take a topic on study. Mr. Green, Mr. Peck and Mr. Swenson were appointed to draw up a line of study.  A motion was made and carried that $2.18 was allowed for coffee, milk and sugar. A suggestion was made to get 1 1/2 doz. chairs. 


tidbit note:  The original Smith Store building is still in East Olympia!


-- Oct 4, 1919

The Chambers Prairie Community Club met in regular session. Meeting was called to order by the President.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. The resignation was handed in by Mrs. Bessie Smith Sec. and accepted by the Club. Nomination was then in order for new officers.

Nominees for Secretary Mrs. Holderman and Mr. Peck. Mrs. Holderman was elected by majority of votes cast. Mr. Swenson was chosen and unanimously elected as Treasurer and to assume his duties next meeting night Oct. 21st.  

Mr. Peck and Mr. Holderman were appointed to audit the treasury books before handing over to new treasure. Mr. Green got twenty-two folding chairs. There were only 23. Mr. Green got twenty-two folding chairs costing $26.00 There being only $23.00 in Treasure the club still owes, Mr. Green $3.00. Motion was made and Mr. Robinson opened the discussion on Profitable Breeds next meeting night. Motion was made and carried to have a card party next Saturday night October 11.  There being no other business the meeting then adjourned.



-- October 21, 1919                            

The Community Club meets in regular session. Meeting called to order by the Pres. The minutes were read and approved as read. 

Card party given on Oct. 11 took in $12.90. After money for prizes was allowed, $11.10 was clear.  Motion was made and carried to allow Mr. Green $3.00 due him on the chairs he purchased for the Community Club.  Fifty -two cents for Mr. Peck to pay freight on the library.  One dollar and eighty cents for Mr. McCarthy to pay for prizes given at the card party Oct. 11. Motion was made and carried to discuss the feeding and housing of chickens at the next meeting Nov. 1st. There was no other business meeting then adjourned.


-- November 1, 1919

The Community Club met in regular session. Meeting was called to order by the President.

The minutes were read and approved as read. Motion made and carried to have card party Saturday night, Nov. 8.

Mr. Peck was appointed to talk on young chickens next meeting night Nov. 15. 

There being no other business meeting adjourned.


-- November 15, 1919

The Community Club held met in regular session. Meeting called to order by the President. The minutes were read and approved as read.

Motion was made and carried to allow Mrs. Peck $2.36 for milk, coffee, sugar and pickles and prizes for the last card party Nov. 8.

Motion was made and seconded to change Article VII of the amendments to read: The meeting of this society shall be held as often as twice a month subject to call of the President.  To be voted on after the third reading.  

Motion was made and carried to have a hard times masked dance Thanksgiving Night.    Several members were appointed to clean the basement of the schoolhouse and to get the music for this dance.  

Mrs. Smith to attend to ordering of ham and bread for sandwiches.

Several members were appointed to make the sandwiches and others agreed to help clean up after the dance.  

The next meeting discussion on chickens will be "marketing".

The next meeting of club will be on Tuesday Dec. 2.

It was finally decided to charge 25 cents a piece for supper and take up collections from men to pay for the music. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned.


-- December 2, 1919                                                                        
The Community Club meets in session, Meeting called to order by the President.
The minutes were approved as read.
It was agreed to send the lamp away to be fixed and the bill to be allowed when it returned.  The secretary was appointed to write to the Community Club of Olympia to see if a restroom can be provided for Chambers Prairie Trade. 
Taken in at dance Nov. 21
 $12.75 Expenses $12.46
       .70 Butter left sold to Mrs. Davis
       .85 Mrs. Gillette owes.
  $ 1.94 Clear
There was no other business meeting then adjourned.